Here on Vital Honesty, my goal is to bring not so well known or understood health and lifestyle practices out of the shadows and into a better light. Either due to poor understanding, “Big Pharma”, or a variety of other factors that are dismissive of holistic, natural, and curative health practices.
I’m no conspiracy theorist by any means. I live by the Moto “Believe none of what you hear, and jail of what you see.” Meaning, I am my own health advocate and do my own research on the different health practices that I want to incorporate into my lifestyle.
Here you will find articles about ketogenic lifestyle, low carb lifestyles (and what the difference is between the two), as well as explanation on what factors comprise vitality in the human body systems such as the heart, brain, and gut to name a few. I will also explore other topics such as mental health, pharmaceuticals, nutrition, fitness, self care, and some various beauty and cosmetic topics as well.
Vital Honesty aims to be a place of reference for various health, wellness, and lifestyle topics. Where the common knowledge of said topics may not be as truthful or honest as we would hope it would be. The information provided here can be used as a point of reference for use in your own health and wellness journey. As always, best practice is to take the information you learn to your primary provider and talk with them about the health changes you would like to make in your life and hopefully they will be on board to support you on your journey.